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Acne Treatment at Whitworth Walk In Clinic

Is your acne affecting your life? Want to get rid of your spots and improve your complexion?

Acne is one of the most common skin problems in the UK. It causes greasy skin, spots and cysts that can appear anywhere on the body including your face, neck, back, shoulders and chest.


It most often affects teenagers and usually clears up when you hit your 20s. However, it can affect adults too.


Although it’s not in itself life-threatening, it can often cause self-esteem issues or depression for the person suffering from it.


It’s often caused by an excess production of sebum or hormonal changes such as puberty or pregnancy. Acne is also said to run in families. Despite what you might hear, acne is not caused by sexual activity or a lack of personal hygiene.

Book your Walk In Clinic appointment for acne today.

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Symptoms of acne

There are six main types of spots that can develop with acne:

●       Blackheads: black or yellow dots or bumps on the skin

●       Whiteheads: white dots or bumps on the skin

●       Papules: small, red, tender bumps

●       Pustules: small, red, tender bumps with a white centre

●       Nodules: hard lumps under the surface of the skin

●       Cysts: pus-filled lumps that are similar to boils

What causes acne?

Acne happens when the oil glands in your skin produce too much sebum. When combined with dead skin cells, it can clog your pores and can trap bacteria that result in spots.


This can happen for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, it’s caused by the hormonal changes that can happen during puberty. Adult women may also experience breakouts before their period, during pregnancy or if they suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). Occasionally, it can be the side effect of taking certain medications.


Stress and lifestyle can also play a part. If you’re under stress, levels of stress hormones like cortisol can rise which throw your hormones out of balance. You’re also more likely to struggle with sleep and make poor lifestyle choices which can affect your overall health and make breakouts more likely.


Acne isn’t caused by poor hygiene or eating certain foods. 

How is acne treated?

Speak to your pharmacist who can recommend medicines that can treat your acne such as gels, creams and lotions. If this doesn’t help or you start suffering from nodules or cysts, please speak to your doctor.

You can also help tackle your acne at home:

●       Reduce your use of cosmetics or opt for non-comedogenic instead

●       Remove your makeup before bed

●       Don’t wash your skin more than twice a day

●       Use mild soap or cleanser and warm water

●       Don’t pick or squeeze your spots- this can cause scarring

●       Wash your hair regularly and don’t let it fall across your face

●       Get regular exercise to improve your self-esteem and boost your mood


Frequently asked questions on acne:

  • If your acne is moderate or severe, or you develop nodules or cysts, you should speak to your pharmacist or GP for treatment. This will help avoid scarring.

  • Most people are affected by acne at some point in their life. This is around 95% of 11-30, 3% of adults over 30. Around 3.5 million see their GP each year for acne.

  • Clear your acne by washing your face with a mild cleanser twice per day, using an acne treatment agent, applying a moisturiser and getting plenty of sleep. Speak to your pharmacist for more help.

  • Acne is caused when excess oil (sebum) and dead skin cells clog your pores and trap bacteria. It can also be caused by inflammation.

  • No, eating chocolate doesn’t cause spots. Nor does eating junk food. However, eating a healthy, balanced diet low in processed foods and high in fresh produce could help.

Clear your acne.

Make your Walk In Clinic Appointment today at your local Whitworth pharmacy.

Click here to find you nearest pharmacy.