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Pharmacy Services

Cryotherapy Service

Cryotherapy is the use of cold or freezing techniques to treat skin problems and safely remove lesions

Cryotherapy is the use of cold or freezing techniques to treat skin problems and safely remove lesions

Remove skin problems and lesions safely and effectively with our cryotherapy service

Looking for a safe and non-invasive way to remove warts, verrucae, skin tags or other annoying skin problems? Our Cryotherapy Service can help.  


By using a state-of-the-art treatment tool, our specially trained pharmacists can apply this painless cold therapy to the required lesion. This allows the lesion to fall off and your body to heal naturally.  


Visit your local Whitworth Pharmacy to find out more about our Cryotherapy service.   

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Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is an effective and non-invasive treatment that uses low temperatures to promote effective healing.  


Used for over 200 years and well established in the medical field, it’s often used to treat skin problems such as warts and verrucae, skin tags, milia, cherry angioma/Campbell de Morgan, pigmentation, pigmented moles and keratosis. Treatment takes just a minute or two and can provide excellent results if the patient pays attention to aftercare.  


Cryotherapy causes the water in the skin cells to freeze. If the temperature drops rapidly to below -27°C, the water expands and the cell walls fracture, causing the cell wall to be destroyed. It also destroys the nucleus of the cell and allows any skin lesions to fall off painlessly. 

Cryotherapy is available for people with skin problems such as warts and verrucae, skin tags, milia, cherry angioma/Campbell de Morgan, pigmentation, pigmented moles and keratosis.

Our effective Cryotherapy Service is open to anyone seeking treatment for their skin condition quickly and effectively. However, certain groups should not undergo Cryotherapy treatment without first speaking to their GP.  


This includes pregnant women and those with:  

  • Pyoderma Gangrenosum  

  • Hepatitis 

  • Diabetes 

  • Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type III (HTLV III) 

  • Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV) 

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 

  • Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) 

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)/ variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)/ new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD)  

  • Any syndrome, condition or virus of a similar kind  


Please contact a member of our pharmacy team if you have any questions or doubts.  

Frequently asked questions about the Cryotherapy service:

  • 1. Book your Cryotherapy Service appointment  

    Pop into your local Whitworth Pharmacy or use the appointment booking form on our website to make your Cryotherapy appointment.  


    2. Come for your appointment  

    When it’s time for your appointment, pop into the pharmacy and let a member of our friendly team know that you’re here. We’ll take you to a private consultation room close to the main pharmacy.  

    Your healthcare professional will ask you several questions about your health to ensure that you are suitable for the Cryotherapy treatment service and explain what to expect. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.  


    3. Receive your Cryotherapy Service treatment 

    Once we’ve confirmed that you are suitable, our healthcare professional will carry out your treatment according to your unique needs.  

    This may involve removing any dead skin and then using a specially designed-applicator to freeze the lesion. Despite how this might sound, the process is usually completely painless. 

    After treatment, the healthcare professional will provide you with detailed aftercare information that you should follow if you want to heal quickly and effectively. Should you have any further questions, this is your opportunity to ask.  

  • Cryotherapy is entirely safe and provides excellent results. The side effects are minimal and might include itching, redness, mild blistering or scabs. It’s important to follow our aftercare advice and avoid picking or scratching the area to reduce irritation and promote better healing.  

  • If you have multiple lesions or are treating a resistant skin complaint, you may need more than one treatment. As skin cells take around 28 days to renew, any follow-up treatments would take place after this time.  

  • The cost for the Cryotherapy Service varies depending on your requirements. Please contact us directly for more information.  

If you are unsure whether cryotherapy is the best treatment for your skin lesion, then speak to our pharmacist for advice. Cryotherapy is a quick and effective way to remove warts, skin tags and other skin issues so if you would like to know more, pop into your local Whitworth Pharmacy today.