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Men's Mental Health (Movember 2022)

Men's Mental Health (Movember 2022)

A lot of progress has been made over recent years when it comes to men talking about their mental and physical health, but not enough and the matter is still somewhat considered to be taboo.

Men are far less likely to seek help compared to women when it comes to matters such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and other mental & physical conditions & illnesses.


A study conducted by the Priory group found that:

·         77% of men polled have suffered with common mental health symptoms like anxiety, stress, or depression

·         40% of men have never spoken to anyone about their mental health

·         Three quarters of registered suicide deaths in the UK in 2020 were men


Its time we stood united and put an end to this crisis and help to support men, grandfathers, fathers, brothers, lovers, friends and show them they don’t have to suffer alone.


Mental health issues are something anyone and everyone can succumb to, but for some reason men aren’t as adept at seeking advice and support they so desperately need when suffering.


In modern society men are seen and believed to be the ‘strong ones.’ Where it is seen to be a weakness if they show vulnerability and emotion and they should just handle whatever they are feeling. But this stigma has to end and these outdated notions done away with.


As a result, they also tend to feel ashamed, worthless and deem themselves to be weak when feeling low and not coping well with vulnerabilities. But this is because of the way media and society have presented men over the last few decades.


Living in a world that is obsessed with social media has only help to exacerbate this problem as when men don’t achieve the luxurious lives of material wealth and perfect chiselled bodies that flood their social media makes them inadequate and even less willing to talk about their physical and mental problems.


Men will often ignore and play ignorant to the fact they have a metal health problem. They will pass it off as ‘others have it worse, it isn’t too bad’ and will try to deal with it alone. Feeling like they don’t want to burden others or be judged for talking to people about their feeling and problems.


Symptoms of depression in men?


Often the Symptoms of depression in men are a lot harder to spot due to the way of men are often seen and expected to manage & express their feelings & emotions.


Maybe you’re a man struggling with your mental health, some signs to look out for:


●       Feeling sad, depressed, or unmotivated

●       Feeling hopeless, pessimistic

●       Can’t enjoy anything, even things you used to love

●       Start avoiding people and lose touch with friends

●       Can’t concentrate

●       Struggle with your energy levels

●       Feeling worthless or guilty about things that have nothing to do with you

●       Have problems sleeping

●       Lose interest in sex

●       Comfort eat or stop eating

●       Start to experience thoughts of self-harm or suicide


If you develop or are suffering suicidal thoughts and feel the world or people around you would be better off if you were gone, we urge you to seek professional help and advice. Don’t suffer in silence, its ok not to be ok.


You maybe notice a man in your lives behaviour and moods changed, this could be a stronger indicator he is suffering with his mental or physical health.


●       Irritability or anger

●       Risk-taking (including gambling, risky sexual behaviour, etc.)

●       Aggression

●      Use of drugs or alcohol

●       Loss of control

●       Quieter and withdrawn than normal

●       Lack of care with personal appearance (don’t shave, wash hair or look after clothes)

●       Making mistakes at work or unable to focus

●       Complaining more about physical problems


Don’t be afraid to seek support for your mental health problems.

If you’re experiencing mental health issues, no matter how small, share how you are feeling with those closest to you or a trained professional.


A problem shared is a problem halved and can go a long way helping you feel better.

Reach out to a trusted friend or loved relative and lay it all out about how you’re feeling. We know you may worry about how you will be judged, however your more than likely to be met with understanding and support. You matter to people; they can only help if you’re honest about how you feel.


Maybe there isn’t anyone for you to reach out too, if this is the case you should contact your GP, or a charity designed to support sufferers of mental health such as CALM or the Samaritans

You can contact them using the following:

Free phone CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) on 0800 585858 or try the webchat service


Free phone The Samaritans on 116 123 or try webchat service.


You can also rely on the support of your local friendly Whitworth pharmacy, just ask for a confidential talk with the pharmacist. We will give you advice and help get the support you need.


There’s way you can support the men in your life be they a friend, partner or relative, if you’re concerned about there mental or physical health:


● Research local support groups, talking therapy or mental health communities online

● Keep regular contact be it in person, text or phone

● Show you care and let them know your listening, but don’t force it

●Support them in getting the help they need, especially if they have or are experiencing suicidal thoughts. You could contact their GP or go with them to an appointment.


Maybe it’s you or someone you know suffering from mental health issues, either way it’s crucial to not suffer alone or in silence. Extend a helping hand or reach out and get the help and support you deserve. You are loved and the people around you care. Break the stigma and lets all feel and help others to feel better.

*Data sourced from