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{{ state !== 'success' ? "Request an appointment" : "Request Complete" }}

{{ state !== 'success' ? "To request an appointment with one of our pharmacies fill out the appointment request below along with a preferred date and a member of staff will be in touch to confirm your booking." : "A member of our branch team will be in touch direct to confirm your booking." }}


Help us to help you stay well

At Whitworths we are here to provide communities with health information, services and promote a healthy lifestyle. This February we are encouraging people to look after their health in the cold weather and take precautions to prevent health issues. This covers self care, keeping warm, checking on other people around you to ensure they are safe and then getting access to the right service for your needs. The below image lists a few tips on how you and others can stay well through the cold weather and where to find help on minor ailments.