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Dry January (The dangers of alcohol)

Dry January

It is a New Year, welcome to 2023. Some of us would have been partaking in celebrations and ushered it in with few beers, glasses of champagne or spirits with our friends and families.

Drinking in moderation is safe for most of us but for some moderation is more difficult and can soon become in excess and presents a real problem before they even recognise things are spiraling out of control.

In our first blog of the year, we want to discuss the dangers of alcohol, how it can affect your health and the benefits of pouring away the booze for good!

Alcohol is highly addictive and is one of the top five most addictive substances on the planet. People may not realise this, as when you turn 18 you can go to clubs, pubs and shops, buy alcohol and drink to your hearts content. Providing the cashier or bartender doesn’t deem you to be paralytic.

But do you know the adverse effects it can have on your body and mind? Heavy and binge drinking can have result in irreversible damage, causing permanent impairment to your nervous system and brain.

Studies conducted have shown that when we consume alcohol the brain releases a surge of excess dopamine of up to 360% overloading the brain and decreasing the dopamine receptors at the same time.

Dopamine is the chemical that allows you to feel satisfaction, pleasure and motivation, it’s a feeling of reward. But high dopamine levels can cause feelings of mania, anxiety, stress and difficulty sleeping.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which has been linked with reinforcing effects that come with substance (drug) abuse and possibly plays a vital role in causing the neurobiological changes connected with addiction.

Yes, alcohol is a drug and one of the most addictive and dangerous on the planet.

Its classification is a Central Nervous System depressant. It slows brain functioning, neural activity and reduces function of various and vital functions within the body.

It is estimated that we have 602,391 dependent drinkers in England with only 18% of those seeking treatment. That means we have 82% of that figure not receiving treatment.

Furthermore, alcohol misuse is the biggest contributor to deaths of working age adults in England succeeding the ten most dangerous cancers. Around 8974 people died to alcohol specific deaths in 2020.

Alcohol is also common factor in over 60 medical conditions such as:

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Various cancers such as mouth, throat, colon & breast

  • Weakened immune system

  • Stroke

  • Memory & Psychotic problems

  • Dementia

  • Anxiety & Depression

So now we know the risks and negative effects of alcohol we encourage everyone to join in and take on the 31-day challenge know as Dry January. Why not test yourself and see if you can abstain from drinking for 31 days.

It’s not about giving up its about taking back. A chance to revitalise your body, boost your energy levels and get your calm back!

Still not convinced. Well, the list of benefits you can gain from quitting alcohol below may help convince you.

  • Improved skin and appearance

  • Lower blood pressure & cholesterol

  • Reduce your risk of diabetes & cancer related proteins in your blood

  • 86% of  those who participate save money

  • 70%  of people report the are getting better sleep

  • 66% feel rejuvenated and have more energy

Interested? Download the Dry app or visit:

Need some more advice, contact your local Whitworth Pharmacy

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, seek support, seek lifesaving help, follow the links below:

Whitworth Pharmacy services


Drink Aware

Alcoholics Anonymous


*Data sourced from